4415 Canton Hwy Cumming, GA 30040
For your convenience, we now offer electronic billing and online payment to reduce everyone’s use of paper. It’s safe and secure.
Customers are billed quarterly. If you have signed up for service in the middle of the month your first quarterly payment will be pro-rated. The next billing cycle will reflect the exact quarterly amount you were quoted. You have now paid for the first 90 days of service and will receive your next quarterly bill at the end of your current quarter.
We accept payments by phone, mail, in-person, or online. You can pay by cash, check, money order, or credit card. We accept VISA, American Express, MasterCard and Discover.
Fees apply for credit card payments made over the phone or online. Payments take 24 hours to post to the account, so please call us if you are making a late payment the day before your pickup day.
Call Customer Service for more information about online payments at (770) 592-1515.
Operations Site:
4415 Canton Highway Cumming, Ga 30040
Mailing Address
Cycle Works Sanitation and Recycling LLC:
4415 Canton Highway Cumming, Ga 30040
Phone: (770)-592-1515
Fax: 770-517-7284