For your convenience, we offer electronic billing and online payment to reduce everyone’s use of paper. It’s safe and secure.
We accept payments by phone, mail, in-person, or online. You can pay by cash, check, money order, or credit card. We accept VISA, American Express, MasterCard and Discover.
Fees apply for credit/debit card payments made over the phone or online.
Your Acct number is your username and your password is the LAST FOUR DIGITS OF YOUR PHONE NUMBER ON FILE.
EXAMPLE 770-592-1515 , PASSWORD WOULD BE 1515
Cycle Works sanitation services payment portal is available for customer use. To ensure a seamless payment process, please obtain your
new account number beforehand. If you encounter any difficulties or have questions, our offices may be reached at
770-592-1515, or you may contact us electronically via email or chat.
Call Customer Service for more information about online payments at (770) 592-1515.
Operations Site:
4415 Canton Highway Cumming, Ga 30040
Mailing Address
Cycle Works Sanitation and Recycling LLC:
4415 Canton Highway Cumming, Ga 30040
Phone: (770)-592-1515